Sunday, May 17, 2020
Think and Grow Rich Essay - 926 Words
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This book report will be a little unorthodox for me – not because of the book, but because I am not taking the time to write as I usually would if I have more time and resources at my disposal. I am hopeful that it will not be too low below my normal standards. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The exercise of thinking and growing rich is not a process f making enough money to pay your bills or buy a nice car. It’s a process of becoming wildly rich where money flows in abundance. The story of Edwin Barnes’ quest to go into business with Thomas Edison was discussed in detail and the less from it was to know what you want. Keep in forefront in your mind and opportunities will present themselves. Henry Ford was†¦show more content†¦The object is to want money and to become so determined to have it that you convince yourself you will have it. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The chapter on auto-suggestion is an essential chapter because it is the process by which you will create your riches. Auto-suggestion is the agency of communication between that part of the mind where conscious though takes place, and that which serves as the seat of action for the subconscious mind. All sense impressions which are perceived through the five senses are stopped by the conscious thinking mind and may be either passed on to the subconscious mind, or rejected, at will. The conscious faculty serves as an outer-guard to the approach of the subconscious. Auto-suggestion is the most important element of self influence. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As Napoleon states, â€Å"The imagination is literally the workshop wherein are fashioned all the plans created by man.†He goes on, â€Å"The impulse, the desire, is a given shape, form, and action through the aid of the faculty of the mind.†He differentiates between the two kinds of imagination, synthetic and creative. Synthetic imagination seems more of a deductive tool, as I see it. It’s what you figure out or create based on other things that you already know. Transformation of the intangible impulse, of desire, into theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Think Grow Rich1262 Words  | 6 PagesJanuary 24, 2011 Think Grow Rich Most people in today’s society define success as someone who makes a lot of money or has done something important to help form today’s society. People such as Bill Gates or Donald Trump are considered successful because they have lots of money. 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