Saturday, December 21, 2019
Management at Dunkin Donuts - 1036 Words
With becoming the new District Manager at Dunkin’ Donuts comes great appreciation and responsibility. High standards and dynamic initiatives will be incorporated at the five new Dunkin’ Donuts locations. As a District Manager, new responsibilities will be given to help determine the success of this organization. Such responsibilities include but are not limited to creating a successful job design that offers a clear understanding of each position and their job tasks, recognizing the type of organization this business is to cater to each location’s consumer needs, and provide training to management at each store in order to recruit the most suitable employees and help them develop in the company. Job Design Within each Dunkin’ Donuts†¦show more content†¦All managers at the five locations will have a mutual understanding of the owner’s desires for the company. Though a simple structured organization is usually a small business ran by the owner, Dunkin’ Donuts shares these characteristics because every franchise is owned by a different person. In a simple structure, centralization is high and the environment is dynamic, meaning changes are made according to consumer demand. Recruiting and Selection Human resources play a key part in the making of an organization. They will help in creating clear job descriptions that will be posted electronically. In this generation, social media is a prevalent platform for communication. Posting ads online and using services such as LinkedIn will allow a vast audience to learn about these new job opportunities. New employees hired by external recruiting will bring new and fresh ideas to the team, however, we will also â€Å"promote-from-within†(Baack, Ch.4 pg. 97). At least one position from each location will be a promotion from an experienced team member. This includes a crew member becoming a shift leader, a shift leader being promoted to assistant manager, and an assistant manager becoming a store manager. This will build morale and bring experience to the new locations. Referrals from current employees will be highly considered. An employee will receive $100 for referring a manager that gets hired at the n ew Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants. Benefits will also beShow MoreRelatedDunkin Donuts Performance Management3411 Words  | 14 PagesDUNKIN DONUTS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Performance Management strategy focuses on what is involved in managing the organization. It is a natural process of management, not a system or a technique. (Fowler, 1990). It is also about managing within the context of the business (its internal and external environment). This will affect how performance operates. (Michael Armstrong, 2004). This paper will analyze Dunkin Donuts performance management strategy. 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