Sunday, December 29, 2019
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Management at Dunkin Donuts - 1036 Words
With becoming the new District Manager at Dunkin’ Donuts comes great appreciation and responsibility. High standards and dynamic initiatives will be incorporated at the five new Dunkin’ Donuts locations. As a District Manager, new responsibilities will be given to help determine the success of this organization. Such responsibilities include but are not limited to creating a successful job design that offers a clear understanding of each position and their job tasks, recognizing the type of organization this business is to cater to each location’s consumer needs, and provide training to management at each store in order to recruit the most suitable employees and help them develop in the company. Job Design Within each Dunkin’ Donuts†¦show more content†¦All managers at the five locations will have a mutual understanding of the owner’s desires for the company. Though a simple structured organization is usually a small business ran by the owner, Dunkin’ Donuts shares these characteristics because every franchise is owned by a different person. In a simple structure, centralization is high and the environment is dynamic, meaning changes are made according to consumer demand. Recruiting and Selection Human resources play a key part in the making of an organization. They will help in creating clear job descriptions that will be posted electronically. In this generation, social media is a prevalent platform for communication. Posting ads online and using services such as LinkedIn will allow a vast audience to learn about these new job opportunities. New employees hired by external recruiting will bring new and fresh ideas to the team, however, we will also â€Å"promote-from-within†(Baack, Ch.4 pg. 97). At least one position from each location will be a promotion from an experienced team member. This includes a crew member becoming a shift leader, a shift leader being promoted to assistant manager, and an assistant manager becoming a store manager. This will build morale and bring experience to the new locations. Referrals from current employees will be highly considered. An employee will receive $100 for referring a manager that gets hired at the n ew Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants. Benefits will also beShow MoreRelatedDunkin Donuts Performance Management3411 Words  | 14 PagesDUNKIN DONUTS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Performance Management strategy focuses on what is involved in managing the organization. It is a natural process of management, not a system or a technique. (Fowler, 1990). It is also about managing within the context of the business (its internal and external environment). This will affect how performance operates. (Michael Armstrong, 2004). This paper will analyze Dunkin Donuts performance management strategy. 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Friday, December 13, 2019
Training Of Principals Of Secondary Schools In Nwfp Education Essay Free Essays
string(112) " clear research inquiries that address countries of involvement fundamental to instructional stuff development\." Introduction: Indeed instruction provides a paved manner in development of the states. The everlasting enterprise to do the lives comfy and the quenchless thirst to examine into truth made the people to set away strenuous tests to convey such an detonation in cognition in assorted aspects.A Consequently, today adult male has secured power to make energy, to cultivate land, to conserve H2O, and do its effectual use. We will write a custom essay sample on Training Of Principals Of Secondary Schools In Nwfp Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now A This is possible because of needed involvement on cognition, which can be imparted though instruction. A Education is an apprenticeship of human life and a critical demand to ensue at natural, harmonious and progressive development of kid ‘s latent powers and innate talents.A Thus the basic purpose of instruction is the overall growing of an person which in its bend enhances the growing of the society.A Various strategies were launched to accomplish the trademark of entire literacy before the morning of the millenary. Hence, the schoolrooms have assumed a prevailing place in accomplishing the purposes and aims of education.A In this connexion this is right clip to research the demand to see the preparation and refreshment coders for the instructor ‘s community. The intent of every preparation is to supply pedagogues with an chance to engauge in find acquisition and to devolepe strategeies to learn about the maintance of independency, the fundamental law, the basicss rights and utilizing instruction for societal economic development of the state. The philophiy of preparation is to make and heighten the sense of leading. Leadership is the activity of act uponing people to collaborate toward some end which they come to happen desirable. A leader is non supposed to oblige or subordinate or stamp over persons. But, he is expected to convey together, usher and assist people in developing ends and so to work together for the common ends efficaciously and merrily. his occupation is to show the end in an appealing mode to the people, to guarantee group cooperation and squad work strongest, to do the group loyal to the intent, and, among others, to demo and convert people how they are benefited by the intent. ( Ansari, A Q 1964 ) A echt involvement in the public assistance of even the humblest of the people under his leading, ability to animate assurance in them, house religion in the rules of his organisation, continuity and doggedness for the achievement of the coveted terminals, willingness to subordinate his personal desires to the involvement of the group, bent to understand people and their reactions and above all objectiveness and candor, are some of the more of import properties of leading. Besides, a leader must hold the capacity to presume full duty demanded by the place he occupies and to do determinations in the waistcoat involvements of the group. These are the qualities that can non be acquired entirely by undergoing a preset class of preparation or by possessing a peculiar grade of instruction. There are some who are gifted with these quilities and others who have acquired subject through difficult experience. Meneionad that successful and effectual workplace preparation plans go beyond reading, composing and arithmetic by associating these topics to occupation maps, undertakings and processs. Many grownups need to larn cardinal accomplishments to execute successfully in their professional occupations. But these accomplishments plans frequently fall short of our outlook because grownups learn otherwise from kids. The opening illustration of a traditional category may be a small extreme, but it illustrates some cardinal errors being made and jobs which must be overcome for the success workplace instruction program.the survey is intend to better the abilties of principals of commanding, direction and organasation as comparison to 1s in the Si aaim to do them cognizant of the managerial accomplishment harmonizing to modern techonolgy and research. The current survey is an effort to get the better of the dificienes of the old preparation. This research survey analysis and compare both national and international instructional merterial for the preparation of leaders of secondry schools. It is designe to make full the gape of effectual leading and managerial accomplishme nt at secondry degree. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM In this survey will be conducted to analyze the effectivity of treacher preparation in school direction. The criterion of the instruction is in Pakistan is really low. There are many factors which are lending to this of these factors is the deteriorating professionalism of caput of the secondry school institutuion. They donot posessess the coveted qualities of mangment and leadership.this job is to be dealt in this survey by the development of the instructional stuffs for preparation of principals of secondry schools in KPK.htis survey fosters the state of affairs in written to the upper limit to bring forth a theoretical account insturtional meterila for the sweetening of leading nad direction preparation. The job to be dealt with in this survey is to develop instructional stuffs for preparation of principals of secondary schools in NWFP. Significance Ping-Man Wong 1990, investigated the refresher instructor preparation programmes offered by the Hong Kong Institute of Education. The survey chiefly focused that rating surveies are necessary to analyze that either these programmes are effectual in run intoing the demands of schools. The consequence of this research enterprise underscored that the refresher preparation programme is moneymaking tool, particularly for senior instructors who are responsible for managerial responsibilities. G. Keith Evans 2009, stated in her article that School decision makers, who range from places of principal to school support staff, must run into a changeless flow of demands related to pupil public presentation, human resources issues, physical installations and even fiscal duties. Assorted management-training plans developed specifically for school decision makers teach and reenforce critical direction constructs. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To analyse the instructional stuffs for the preparation of principals. To look into the significance refresher preparations. To place the demand of the instructional stuffs. To supply clear research inquiries that address countries of involvement fundamental to instructional stuff development. You read "Training Of Principals Of Secondary Schools In Nwfp Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" To develop an instructional stuff for the preparation of principals. LITERATURE REVIEW Teachers ‘ preparation is a critical portion of instruction. Therefore, all attempts of the educationalists, pedagogues and teachers are aimed at the undertaking of supplying better developing to the ‘would be instructors ‘ for their better instruction and proper growing, as a helper. No uncertainty, this duty can merely be exercised, if the pedagogues are equipped with the needed cognition of the topic concerned and trainees develop needed involvement in it. That ‘s why, it becomes indispensable for doing equal commissariats for each class to the instructors and every bit good as trainees. ( Rather 219 ) The school maestro plays an imperative function in the ground forces that battles for economic release of a state. But he ca n’t direct its operations and will convey catastrophe if he is termed responsible for its scheme and tactics. It is adequate if, with an intelligent apprehension of the forces that animate the run, he devotes his energies to the recruiting field and to the animation and tainting of such officers and work forces as he phase of the run requires. ( Mayhew and James 119-146 ) . In the Post-Mao period ( 1976-88 ) , China entered a new period of socialist modernisation in which the declared end was to transform China ‘into a greater and powerful socialist state with modern agribusiness, industry, national defence and scientific discipline and engineering by the terminal of the present century. ( Eli: Valini 54-57 ) . The twelvemonth 1976 saw the shattering of the Gang of Four and the re-establishment of the Party ‘s Leadership in schools. Educational regulations and ordinances were revised and promulgated ; professional meetings were called to invent new learning programmes and compile new learning stuffs.Once once more the enterprise of educational cell ‘s for accomplishment and the enthusiasm of pupil for survey were brought into drama. Together they bit by bit restored order in instruction and improved instruction criterions. ( Guo: Valini 54-57 ) . Alongside the positive elements which political and diplomatic irresistible impulses had shaped, there besides existed of import restraints sing UNESCO ‘s attack to cardinal instruction. Although, the UNESCO fundamental law had endorsed the equality of educational chance as a basic human right, cautiousness was apparent in procuring an appropriate balance between cosmopolitan primary schooling and the agencies of accomplishing cosmopolitan instruction. It was to be an after-repeating case in point, the Secretariat sought the formation in 1946 of an ‘expert organic structure ‘ . In this instance the Commission on Fundamental Education, designed to work aboard the preparative committee, which was busily outlining the initial UNESCO programme. The experts were non responsible for driving up a programme of cardinal education- that was the secrrtariat undertaking. Rather, they were invited to place and analyse what they suppose to be good illustrations cardinal instruction work, and to pull their decision about the deductions for UNESCO. In general, the Commission ‘s work focused on regional studies of literacy, estimation of literacy degrees, and consideration of low literacy instruction was organized in many parts of the universe. ( Jones 50 ) There could be no cut and dried method either for detecting such work forces of for leaving the preparation.The methods to be employed are mostly determined by the fortunes obtaining and the demands felt in a given part or a given subdivision of concerted activity among the methods that were employed successfully by national organisations of hand in glove advanced states for leaving preparation are refresher and correspondence classs, survey groups and survey Tourss, seminars and summer cantonments. The trainees should be trained to shoulder duty and to depute authorization. In other words, they should be taught non simply how to make their occupations good, but besides how to assist other work forces do their occupations good.such seminars could be followed by the distribution among the participants, of specially prepared literature of other publications including periodicals prepared on these and allied facets of the capable affair. ( Ansari 89-95 ) The writer recognizes that the bing capable affair as taught would non suit the demands of prospective grownup pedagogues. In some establishments this defect could be remedied by using a coordinator. ( Lindeman 48-52 ) . Nelson describes: â€Å" learning theoretical account is a form or program, which can be used to determine a course of study or class, to choose instructional stuffs and to steer a instructor ‘s action. â€Å" ( 72 ) The four dimensions of course of study are: purposes of aims, content or capable affair, methods or processs, and rating or appraisal. the dimension refers to the grounds for including specific points in the course of study and excepting others. The 2nd dimension is content or capable affair and this refers to the cognition, accomplishments or temperaments which are inexplicit in the pick of points, and the manner that they are arranged. Aims may be understood as wide general justifications for including peculiar points and peculiar pedagogical procedures in the course of study ; or as clearly defined and closely represented results or behaviours ; or as a set of appropriate processs or experiences. The 3rd dimension is methods or processs and this refers to teaching method and is determined by picks made about the first two dimensions. The 4th dimension is assessment or rating and this refers to the agencies for finding whether the course of study has been successfully implemented. ( Scott 18-20 ) . EFA suggests: Special territory based direction programmes for District and School Management will be initiated with regular monitoring and appraisal for betterment of system and its merchandise quality and get the better of the direction spread. The preparation and occupation description for caput instructors should stipulate their functions and guiding and back up their instructor co-workers in mobilising community engagement In the school and in disposal, direction and care in the school. Teacher supply, preparation and supervising extremely synergistic, learner centered instruction and instructional stuffs shall be produced and utilized to guarantee quality instruction in future. ( 65-66 ) METHOD AND PROCEDURE Population: all principals and senior instructors of female secondary schools and EEDOs of NWFP. Sample: All EEDOs and EDOs ( female ) , 120 principals ( 5 from each Distt ) and 240 senior instructors ( 10 from each Distt ) will be the sample of the survey. The schools will be indiscriminately selected from each distt. Instrument: Questionnaire will be used as a information roll uping tool from the mark population. This will include three types of questionnaires, i.e. Questionnaire 1 for EEDOs/EDOs, Questionnaire 2 for principals, and Questionnaire 3 for senior instructors. FIELD Testing: To measure the cogency of these questionnaires, these will be administered in 10 schools and among the territory instruction officers. If there is any short approach in the instrument, it will be farther modified and improved. DATA ANALYSIS: Relevant statistical tools will be applied for analysis of informations. RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND HYPOTESIS: This survey will turn to the following the inquiries ; What are instructional stuffs? What are the classs of instructional media? What are the types and utilizations of instructional stuff to instruction? What are the differences between instructional stuff and jury-rigged stuff? What are the similarities between multimedia and instructional media? What is the importance of instructional stuff in the field of instruction? What is the difference between instructional stuff and instructional tool? How to cite Training Of Principals Of Secondary Schools In Nwfp Education Essay, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Northern Indian Hindustani Music Essay Example For Students
Northern Indian Hindustani Music Essay Jonathan Neumann Historic Traditions 3: World Music Final Presentation / Paper Thats The musical tradition of Northern Indian Hindustan music is built on different conceptions of musical components than our traditional Western music. Notation of this music is a relatively new endeavor, starting in the sasss. Previously the music culture was a tradition passed down orally from a guru or a sashay. The notation of the music today is known a relatively non-standardized process with more emphasis on interval relations than on actual pitches. For example there is no concept of a 440 A within traditional Hindustan music, rather, they rely on thats. These thats are similar to the notion of scales, with different thats containing different intervals not unlike our major, minor, and subsequent key signatures. In total up to ten different thats are identified in Northern Indian Hindustan music. Another shared element is the typical use of seven scale degrees, called sward, and the repetition of the octave. In this way the thats can be compared to the Do, Re, MI, process associated with college notation. This is perhaps the best analogy for understanding the fundamentals of Hindustan music from a western perspective. Each of the scale degrees has a name as follows (in ascending order); As, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dad, N, and then the repetition of As. The fifth scale degree, Pa, is typically held in a standard position much like the dominant in college, with the other notes being mutable in either sharp or flat variations (tibia and kamala respectively). The extent of these variations is however less typical than the half tone steps in Western music and often are monoclonal variations in either direction, to that effect there are twenty- wow recognized pitches within one octave, all of which may be generated by sharing or flatting one of the seven base notes. As Western music tradition recognized the different registers of a vocalists range as soprano, tenor, and bass, the same is true for Indian Hindustan music. Instead of refereeing too vocal or instrumental range, however, these registers are defined for the piece; Tara being the highest range, followed by Madhya and Amanda as the lowest. The reason for this distinction being held for entire pieces could stem from the limited ranges (traditional Hindustan USIA typically keeps within one octave) or from the nature of the music as being centered on the vocalists performance. Indeed the objective of many of the aforementioned instruments is to mimic or embellish the voice. Ragas The thats that exist in Hindustan music are classified into different ragas. If a that were to be compared to a scale in western culture, then a raga would be the equivalent off mode. Ragas are made up of unique pitches with musically comprised of between five and seven notes, a seven-tone raga is known as a complete or sampan raga, those with six sward are called shadow, and those with vive, Dave. Being defined by the intervals between the notes as well as the general register used, the same collection of pitches may be used in different ragas and yet each would still sound different due to the differences in the use of the tones. As previously noted, there is no conception of perfect pitch within this music culture, rather each raga is built upon a tonic note, usually chosen by the lead performer, which becomes a drone. This drone is then used as a reference for the duration of the piece for the musicians to rely upon. A unique feature of the ragas in Hindustan USIA is that their notes or swards do not always follow an ascending or descending order. Sometimes the swards within a raga are altered such that they form a crooked scale, known in Indian music culture as a Vassar raga. .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da , .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da .postImageUrl , .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da , .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da:hover , .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da:visited , .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da:active { border:0!important; } .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da:active , .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue834587672abf55fb5cef87d42ab65da:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Development of Popular Music EssayAtlas Ragas in Indian Hindustan music culture express the melodic content of any piece or performance of music. Not addressed is the notion of rhythm or meter. The term tall is used to describe the pulse of the music. The term originates from the Indian word for clap so its rhythmic implications are apparent from the start. Just as ragas eave no set tonic, rather, one is chosen at the beginning of the piece, the same is true for atlas. No tall has a predetermined tempo and all can be used at any speeds. Three general tempos are recognized in Hindustan music of India; a slow speed called ability lay, Madhya lay, and the fastest of the three, drum lay. Every tall is subdivided into smaller portions, much like a phrase in Western music is divided into measures. These divisions are known as visages with the first beat of each being the most important and often is accompanied by clapping. We find in the conception f atlas that the first beat is the most important of all and is also the last beat within a piece. This is similar to the cyclical form of rhythm found in Indonesian music. Both cultures stress the primary beat, or Sam as it is known in India, by coinciding a resolve in the melody as well at the meter at this critical point. Musical form Traditionally, Indian classical music was performed in a style known as DARPA, typically a sung style, featuring one or more male vocalists. A performance off raga in the classical DARPA manner is usually divided into two segments. The first is allied the lap and consists of an improvisation based upon the raga used but not strictly adherent to its rules of note order or pitch. The performer is generally allowed free reign as it were, with limited if any rhythmic dictation, variations on the pitch order, and even the sharing and flatting of notes to add character and life to the performance, similarly to Jazz improvisation in contemporary Western music. Gradually a slow rhythm will come to light and as it becomes more noticeable, the performance will settle into the rhythm and at the same time will become less literally free, returning to the rules of the raga being performed. After the improvisational lap section the goat, or bandies, of the performance starts. Title room for free embellishment, instead focusing on the beauty of the particular raga being performed. The components within the goat are the raga, or melodic content, the atlas, or rhythmic punctuation, as well as any embellishment used by the performers (always in keeping with the raga form though). This ornamentation is called kamala in Indian culture. DARPA tradition has evolved over the past several hundred years into additional spineless known as shall and Tirana; both primarily vocally based forms of Hindustan music. Although Tirana is generally set at a fast tempo than shall, both styles of performance concentrate much more vehemently on the aspect of improvisation in the musical performance. This improvisation is used to convey and touch upon an emotional content, similar to the concept of Tartar exhibited in Arabic music tradition. The association can be further seen in that most performances in the shall and Tirana forms contain a decidedly small amount of emotionally charged attic content, instead concentrating on the actual vocal performance of the music.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
In The Novel Robinson Crusoe, Defoe Illustrates The Contradictions Tha
In the novel Robinson Crusoe, Defoe illustrates the contradictions that drench the thoughts and actions of man as he strives to reach for God while also forced to face the realization that he must ensure his own safety in the world. Defoe uses Crusoe's journey on the canoe to exemplify how Crusoe lives in a world where he longs to please and obey God but must also contend with his instinct, which looks to himself for his savior. In the passage in which Crusoe finally reaches land after a tumultuous experience at sea in his canoe, Crusoe falls to his "knees and gave God Thanks for [his] Deliverance, resolving to lay aside all Thoughts of [his] Deliverance by [his] boat" (103). Crusoe strives for the Christian ideal, which is to look to God for assistance and not to humans because inevitably God holds the only power to give and take life. Crusoe appears to achieve the ideal when he drops to his knees and thanks God for his safe return; however, through the use of the word ?resolve,' Defoe shows that the ideal relationship with God contradicts man's instinct. According to the Webster's English Dictionary, resolves means 1. to come to a definite or earnest decision about; determine. 14. to come to a determination; make up one's mind (786). Since Crusoe must come to a determination in order to lay aside his thoughts that his boat saved him and not God then Defoe shows that Crusoe's first instinct is to look to hi s ?self' as his savior, and only after deliberation does he determine to call it providence that saves him. Although it may on the surface appear that Crusoe achieves this ideal relationship with God in which he praises Him and does not look to himself as having the power to save his own life, Defoe shows that this is just a superficial reading because Crusoe never mentions that he does believe that God saved him but only that he would not think about his boat as saving him. Crusoe says that he will claim that God's providence saved him that day and delivered him back to land after the life-threatening journey around the island, but the journey itself contradicts God's providence. The journey is an act against God. The purpose of the journey in this man-made canoe is for Crusoe to obtain more knowledge. He says earlier in the novel that "the Discoveries I made in that little Journey, [on land] made me very eager to see other Parts of the Coast and now I had a Boat, I thought of nothing but sailing round the island" (100). Like the world's first man, Crusoe's longing for knowledge almost costs him his life. Crusoe's island, like the Garden of Eden, provides for all of man's needs. Crusoe has complete dominion over this island and all of its inhabitants, an island that provides for his every need and holds no life-threatening beast to terrorize him, yet he still longs to know the other parts of the island. Like Adam, after his search for knowledge Crusoe m ust sleep on the hard cold ground "being quite spent with the Labor and Fatigue of the Voyage" (103). Before the fall of man labor was not a source of fatigue. Here Defoe reminds us that God punishes man who is not content with what God provides but instead opts to look to the self for more than what God offers. Earlier in the novel Crusoe says that he "had neither the Lust of Flesh, the Lust of Eye, or the Pride of Life" (94) but this journey proves that he does indeed have the Lust of the Eye because he longs for knowledge. Defoe uses Crusoe's journey on the canoe to show that Crusoe lives in a world inflicted with contradictions, many of which he does not even know exist. In a one-sentence paragraph, Defoe illustrates this conflict between living life according to the Bible and giving into instinct. Through his reference to the fall of man, he shows that man's nature is like Crusoe, whose quest for knowledge and ingratitude for what God provides leads to punishment, which eventually leads man back to God.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Jonathan Edwards - Colonial Clergyman of the Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards - Colonial Clergyman of the Great Awakening  Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) was an extremely important and influential clergyman in the New England colonial America. He has been given credit for beginning the Great Awakening and his writings provide insights into colonial thought. Early Years Jonathan Edwards was born on October 5, 1703 in East Windsor, Connecticut. His father was Reverend Timothy Edwards and his mother, Esther, was the daughter of another Puritan clergyman, Solomon Stoddard. He was sent to Yale College at the age of 13 where he was extremely interested in natural science while there and also read widely including works by John Locke and Sir Isaac Newton. John Lockes philosophy had a huge impact on his personal philosophy. After graduating from Yale at 17, he studied theology for two more years before becoming a licensed preacher in the Prsbyterian Church. In 1723, he earned his Master of Theology Degree. He served a New York congregation for two years before returning to Yale to serve as a tutor. Personal Life In 1727, Edwards married Sarah Pierpoint. She was the granddaughter of the influential Puritan minister Thomas Hooker. He was the founder of the Connecticut Colony following a dissent with the Puritan leaders in Massachusetts.Together they had eleven children. Heading His First Congregation In 1727, Edwards was given a position as the assistant minister under his grandfather on his mothers side, Solomon Stoddard in Northampton, Massachusetts. When Stoddard passed away in 1729, Edwards took over as the minister in charge of a congregation that included important political leaders and merchants. He was much more conservative than his grandfather. Edwardseanism Lockes Essay Concerning Human Understanding had a huge impact on Edwards theology as he tried to grapple with mans free will combined with his own beliefs in predestination. He believed in the need for a personal experience of God. He believed that only after a personal conversion instituted by God could free will be turned away from human needs and towards morality. In other words, only Gods grace could give someone the ability to follow God. In addition, Edwards also believed that the end times were near. He believed that with the coming of Christ, each person would have to give account of their lives on earth. His goal was a pure church filled with true believers. As such, he felt that it was his responsibility to ensure that his church members lived according to strict personal standards. He would only allow those he felt truly accepted Gods grace could partake of the sacrament of the Lords Supper in the church. The Great Awakening As previously stated, Edwards believed in a personal religious experience. From 1734-1735, Edwards preached a number of sermons about justification of faith. This series led to a number of conversions among his congregation. Rumors about his preaching and sermons spread to surrounding areas of Massachusetts and Connecticut. Word spread even as far as Long Island Sound. During this same period, traveling preachers had begun a series of evangelist meetings calling on individuals to turn away from sin throughout the New England colonies. This form of evangelism focused on personal salvation and a correct relationship with God. This era has been called the Great Awakening. The evangelists produced huge emotions. Many churches were disapproving of itinerant preachers. They felt that the charismatic preachers were often not sincere. They didnt like the lack of propriety in the meetings. In fact, there were laws passed in some communities to ban preachers the right to hold revivals unless they had been invited by a licensed minister. Edwards agreed with much of this but did not believe that the results of revivals should be discounted. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Probably Edwards most well-known sermon is called Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. He not only delivered this at his home parish but also in Enfield, Connecticut on July 8, 1741. This fiery sermon discusses the pains of hell and the importance of devoting ones life to Christ to avoid this fiery pit. According to Edwards, There is nothing that keeps wicked men, at any one moment, out of hell, but the mere pleasure of God. As Edwards says, All wicked mens pains and contrivance they use to escape hell, while they continue to reject Christ, and so remain wicked men, dont secure em from hell one moment. Almost every natural man that hears of hell, flatters himself that he shall escape it; he depends upon himself for his own security.... But the foolish children of men do miserably delude themselves in their own schemes, and in their confidence in their own strength and wisdom; they trust to nothing but a shadow. However, as Edward says, there is hope for all men. And now you have an extraordinary opportunity, a day wherein Christ has flung the door of mercy wide open, and stands in the door calling and crying with a loud voice to poor sinners... As he summed up, Therefore let everyone that is out of Christ, now awake and fly from the wrath to come... [L]et everyone fly out of Sodom. Haste and escape for your lives, look not behind you, escape to the mountain, lest you be consumed [Genesis 19:17]. Edwards sermon had a huge effect at the time in Enfield, Connecticut. In fact, an eyewitness named Stephen Davis wrote that people were crying out throughout the congregation during his sermon, asking how to avoid hell and be saved. In his today, reaction to Edwards was mixed. However, there is no denying his impact. His sermons are still read and referred to by theologians to this day. Later Years Some members of Edwards church congregation were not happy with Edwards conservative orthodoxy. As previously stated, he enforced strict rules for his congregation to be considered part of those who could partake in the Lords Supper. In 1750, Edwards attempted to institute discipline on some of the children of prominent families who were caught looking at a midwives manual that was considered a bad book. Over 90% of the members of congregation voted to remove Edwards from his position as minister. He was 47 at the time and was assigned to minister to a mission church on the frontier in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. He preached to this small group of Native Americans and at the same time spent the years writing many theological works including Freedom of the Will (1754), The Life of David Brainerd (1759), Original Sin (1758), and The Nature of True Virtue (1765). You can currently read any of Edwards works through the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University. Further, one of the resid ential colleges at Yale University, Jonathan Edwards College, was named after him.  In 1758, Edwards was hired as the president of the College of New Jersey which is now called Princeton University. Unfortunately, he only served for two years in that position before he died after he had an adverse reaction to a smallpox vaccination. He died on March 22, 1758 and is buried in Princeton Cemetery. Legacy Edwards is seen today as an example of revival preachers and an initiator of the Great Awakening. Many evangelists today still look to his example as a way to preach and create conversions. In addition, many descendants of Edwards went on to be prominent citizens. He was the grandfather of Aaron Burr and an ancestor of Edith Kermit Carow who was Theodore Roosevelts second wife. In fact, according to George Marsden in Jonathan Edwards: A Life, his progeny included thirteen presidents of colleges and sixty-five professors. Further Reference Ciment, James. Colonial America: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural, and Economic History. M. E. Sharpe: New York. 2006.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Concert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Concert - Essay Example The band consists of 80 players, using instruments like First and Second Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Harp, Percussion, Timpani, Tuba, Bass, Trombone, Trumpet, Horn, Contrabassoon, Bassoon, Bass Clarinet, Clarinet, Cor Anglais, Oboe, Piccolo and Flute. French overture means opening and indicates the formation or introduction to a performance. An overture is normally in three parts (fast-slow-fast). The 1812 Overture was about the battles between Napoleon's French Army and the Russians. Within the piece, there is therefore the inclusion of anthems, gunfire and church bells. With a number of performers, who took up the upper deck and the lower space of the venue delivered an amazing performance which was met with not only appreciation, but also applause by the listeners. 5. The JOURNEY - The 1812 Overture is a classic that takes you through emotional up's and downs. Various instruments have been used to bring out this effect, a set of violins to bring out the lower and higher moods. Bass, bass clarinet, bassoon to depict drama and gunfire, trumpets to indicate rises and emotions, flute and piccolo to bring out calmness. The use of church bells to indicate the end. The overture follows a stereotypical format which is the fast-slow-fast and the composer has managed to show both the sides of the story, 2 marching armies whose troops were brimming with enthusiasm in defeating their enemy, thus motivated. The beginning of the clash between the 2 armies, the scenario of the war accompanied by gunshots, a drop in the music depicting a low mood or defeat and the end of a war signaled by the ringing of church bells. 6. Evaluation of the performers - The BBC National Orchestra of Wales is renowned for their performances with resident composer, Guto Puw delivering mind blowing original performances and pieces by other composers with immaculate brilliance. Grant Llewellyn, who is the music director of the North Carolina Symphony Orchestra and principal conductor of the Handel and Haydn Society is known for his exceptional charisma, energy and easy authority in music of all styles and periods. The performers who were 80 in number for this ensemble excluding the composers delivered an exceptional renderance of Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture deserving recognition and applause. 7. In-depth analysis of "one piece from the concert" For our analysis, we can choose the beginning of the composition. At approximately 4:00 minutes a drum roll comes on, and when
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Business Strategy British airways Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Business Strategy British airways - Essay Example All over the world, organizations have always sought to reach out to their main goals through developing various tactics through which the envisioned goal can be achieved. Whereas every organization would have a goal, the chances of achieving the goals and the objectives set forth would only be possible where the organization has a well-developed and relevant strategy. The concept of strategy is, therefore, considered as the key pillar to the realization of the dreams and or the vision and the mission of any organization. Basically, strategy can be designed as a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim of an organization or entity. In this paper, greater focus has been given to British Airways (BA) and how the organization’s strategy may have worked for or against the organization in the achidfewmne3nt of its overalls goals and objectives.The vision and the mission of British Airways are indeed pillars to which the organization has worked and provided aviation services for the long-time the airline has existed. The vision of the airline is to become the most preferable airline providing premium quality air travel services to the rest of the world. By this, the organization has set in motion a well cut out picture of what is to be achieved (Ansoff, 1987). In talking about the vision of BA, one has to make a number o f considerations. The first is the fact that the organization is not a monopoly. In this case, there is the consideration that there are many other airlines competing within the markets, many of which offer similar services to consumers. As such, it is the role of the airline to work hard and ensure that it stands out as the best amongst the competition.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Learning Processes Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Learning Processes Paper - Essay Example Learners utilize three strategies i.e. change should be incorporated in order to fit into the present environment; learning about the existing environment would form a behavioral resource for the learner; and locating an environment that is beneficial for the learner. The process of learning is a continual process of constructing, interpreting and modifying. A good learning model should be coherent, concrete, conceptual and considerate wherein. Experience the best teacher of knowledge. The habit of a mind includes valuing, inclination, alertness, capability and commitment. The theory of behaviorism concentrates on overt behaviors that is observed and measured. The belief that learning results in a change in the learners behavior and those skills should be learnt consecutively. Behaviorism states that learning is largely unknowable i.e. one is unable to understand the happenings inside a person. This theory leads Cognitive Theory. Behavior is spontaneous; it simply happens. Cognitive theorists view learning as involving the acquisition of the cognitive structures through which learner’s process and store information. Utilizing the cognitive style, learners are able of managing, regulating and controlling the flow of information. Cognitive Style believes that learning occurs when learners incorporate new concepts which are potentially meaningful to their cognitive structure. In propositioning their model of situated cognition, Brown, Collins and Duguid stated that meaningful learning will occur only if it is embedded in the social and physical context within which it is utilized. (Brown, Collins & Duguid, 1989). Constructivism, advocates that learners produce knowledge as they attempt to understand their experiences. Behaviourism and cognitivism view knowledge as peripheral to the learner. Constructivism assumes that learners are not vacant ferries; instead learners are forever challenging to create new meaning. Constructivists believe
Friday, November 15, 2019
Political And Constitutional Struggle Of Quaid History Essay
Political And Constitutional Struggle Of Quaid History Essay The dynamic leadership and remarkable services of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah in the Pakistan Movement of freedom and independence is slave to no introduction. In this movement, the personality of Quaid-e-Azam; his tireless efforts and immense struggle made the crude and difficult path for the freedom of Pakistan very easy. The Muslims of India finally succeeded in achieving their destination for which they underwent a long, painful yet motivated journey led by the Quaid. POLITICAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL STRUGGLE OF QUAID: Jinnahs arrival and stay in London was the sowing time. The first decade in Bombay, after his return from Britain, was the germinating period; the later decade (1906-1916) marked the vintage stage. It could also be called a period of idealism, as Jinnah was a romanticist both in personal and political life. As Jinnah came out of his shell, the political limelight shone on him. He was budding as a lawyer and flowering as a political activist. A political child during the first decade of the century, Jinnah had become a political giant before Gandhi even returned to the Indian sub-continent from South Africa. THE DIFFERENCES OF JINNAH WITH THE CONGRESS: Mohammad Ali Jinnah differed with Gandhi on the means of achieving self-rule. The League session reassembled at Lahore under Jinnahs presidency and was attended by a number of Congressmen and leaders of the Khilafat Movement. The Quaid, despite his differences with Mahatma Gandhi and the Khilafists, still enjoyed the trust and admiration of the Muslims of Bombay which can be seen from the fact that he won the Bombay Muslim seat for the Legislative Assembly that he had resigned in protest against the Rowlett Act. DELHI PROPOSALS 1927: Due to the deep distrust between the two communities as evidenced by the country-wide communal riots and because the Hindus failed to meet the genuine demands of the Muslims, his efforts came to naught. One such effort was the formulation of the Delhi Muslim Proposals in March, 1927. In order to bridge Hindu-Muslim differences on the constitutional plan, these proposals even waived the Muslims right to separate electorate, the most basic Muslim demand since 1906, which though recognized by the congress in the Luck now Pact, had again become a source of friction between the two communities. QUAIDS FOURTEEN POINTS 1929: In 1928, Pundit Moti Lal Nehru presented a report which turned down all the Muslims demand. On the reply of Nehru report, Mohammad Ali Jinnah presented his famous fourteen points on March 28, 1929 to the Muslim League Council at their Session in Delhi. Since all the Muslims opposed the Nehru Report, these points were to counter the proposals made in the Nehru Report. This was the certainly the right answer to the Nehru report. The points were to recommend the reforms that would defend the rights of the Muslims of the sub-continent. The points are following: 1- The form of the future constitution should be federal, with the residuary powers to be vested in the provinces. 2- A uniform measure of autonomy shall be granted to all provinces. 3- All legislatures in the country and other elected bodies shall be constituted on the definite principle of adequate and effective representation of minorities in every province without reducing the majority in any province to a minority or even equality. 4- In the Central Legislature, Muslim representation shall not be less than one third. 5- Representation of communal groups shall continue to be by separate electorates: provided that it shall be open to any community, at any time, to abandon its separate electorate in favor of joint electorate. 6- Any territorial redistribution that might at any time be necessary shall not in any way that would affect the Muslim majority in the Punjab, Bengal and the NWFP. 7- Full religious liberty i.e. liberty of belief, worship, and observance, propaganda, association, and education, shall be guaranteed to all communities. 8- No bill or resolution or any part thereof shall be passed in any legislature or any other elected body if three fourths of the members of any community in that particular body oppose such a bill, resolution or part thereof on the ground that it would be injurious to that community or in the alternative, such other method is devised as may be found feasible practicable to deal with such cases. 9- Sindh should be separated from the Bombay Presidency. 10- Reforms should be introduced in the NWFP and Baluchistan on the same footing as in other provinces. 11- Provision should be made in the Constitution giving Muslims an adequate share along with the other Indians in all the services of the State and in local self-governing bodies, having due regard to the requirements of efficiency. 12- The Constitution should embody adequate safeguards for the protection of Muslim culture and for the protection and promotion of Muslim education, language, religion and personal laws and Muslim charitable institutions and for their due share in the grants-in-aid given by the State and by local self-governing bodies. 13- No cabinet, either Central or Provincial, should be formed without there being a proportion of at least one-third Muslim ministers. 14- No change shall be made in the Constitution by the Central Legislature except with the concurrence of the States constituting the Indian Federation. SECOND ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE 1931: The Hindu Muslim dispute must be settled before the enforcement of system or constitution. Until you do not give guarantee for the safeguard for the Muslims interests, until you enforce shall not last for even 24 hours. REORGANIZATION: Jinnahs disillusionment at the course of politics in the subcontinent prompted him to migrate and settle down in London in the early thirties. While in England, the Quaid had been watching the events that were happening in India and was saddened to see how Muslim interests were being sacrificed by the chaotic situation within the Muslim League. The Muslim League was in the hands of rich, landlords or some middle class intellectuals with limited horizons, while the All India Congress was emerging as the leading party for Indian Independence. He was, however, to return to India in December 1933, at the pleadings of his co-religionists, and assume their leadership. Jinnah realized that organizing the Muslims of India into one powerful and dynamic organization was badly needed. He performed two important tasks after his return from England, the first was to unite and activate the Muslim League as the sole representative body of the Muslims of India. The second was to continue the struggle for freedom of India on constitutional lines. Undismayed by this bleak situation, Jinnah devoted himself with singleness of purpose to organizing the Muslims on one platform. He embarked upon country-wide tours. He pleaded with provincial Muslim leaders to sink their differences and make common cause with the League. He exhorted the Muslim masses to organize themselves and joined the League He gave coherence and direction to Muslim sentiments on the Government of India Act, 1935. He also formulated a viable League manifesto for the election scheduled for early 1937. He was, it seemed, struggling against time to make Muslim India a power to be reckoned with. Despite all the manifold adds stacked against it, the Muslim League won 108 (about 22 percent) seats out of a total of 492 Muslim seats in the various legislatures. Though not very impressive in itself, the Leagues partial success assumed added significance in view of the fact that the League won the largest number of Muslims and that it was the only All-India party of the Mu slims in the country. Thus, the elections represented the first milestone on the long road to putting Muslim India on the map of the subcontinent. LUCKHNOW SESSION: Jinnah utilized all his energies on revitalizing the League. With the assistance of the Raja of Mahmudabad, a dedicated adherent of the Muslim League, the Lucknow Session was a grand demonstration of the will of the Muslims of India to stand up to the Congress challenge. It was the Lucknow Session that Jinnah persuaded Sir Sikander Hayat Khan to join the Muslim League along with his Muslim colleagues. That development later became famous as the Jinnah-Sikander Pact. This Session marked a dramatic change not only in the Leagues platform and political position, but also in Jinnahs personal commitment and final goal. He changed his attire, shedding the Seville Row suit in which he had arrived for a black Punjabi sherwani long coat. It was for the first time he put on the compact cap, which would soon be known throughout the world as Jinnah Cap. Ti was at that session that the title of Quaid-e-Azam (the great leader) was used for Jinnah and which soon gained such currency and popularity that it almost became a substitute for his name. The great success was achieved the organization front of the Muslim League. Within three months of the Lucknow session over 170 new branches of the League had been formed, 90 of them in the United Provinces, and it claimed to have enlisted 1,00,000 new members in the province alone. DAY OF DELIEVERANCE 22 DECMEBER 1939: The Second World War broke out in 1939 and the British Government was anxious to win the favor and co-operation of the major political parties and leaders in their war effort. The Viceroy made a declaration in October assuring the people of India that after the war, the constitutional problems of India would be re-examined and modifications made in the Act of 1935, according to the opinion of India Parties. The Congress reacted to that drastically, condemned the Viceroys policy statement and called upon the Congress ministries to resign by October 31, 1939. On the resignation of the Congress ministries, the Muslim League appealed to the Muslims and other minorities to observe December 22, 1939 as the Day of Deliverance. DEMAND FOR PAKISTAN (23 RD MARCH 1940): Quaid-e-Azam said in the words; We are a nation with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of values and proportion, legal laws and moral code, customs and calendar, history and tradition, aptitudes and ambitions, in short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all canons of international law, we are a nation. The formulation of the Muslim demand for Pakistan in 1940 had a tremendous impact on the nature and course of Indian politics. On the one hand, it shattered forever the Hindu dreams of a pseudo-Indian, in fact, Hindu Empire exit from India: on the other, it heralded an era of Islamic renaissance and creativity in which the Indian Muslims were to be active participants. The Hindu reaction was quick, bitter and malicious. Addressing on 23rd march 1940 he said that: The Mussalmans are not minority. They are a nation by any definition. By all canons of international law, we are nation He also said that: India is not a nation, nor a country. It is a sub-continent of nationalities. Hindus and Muslims being the two major nations. The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious, philosophies, social customs and literature. It is quite clear that Hindus and Muslims derive their inspiration from different sources of history CRIPPS MISSION 1942: Sir Stafford Cripps was sent by the British Government to India in March 1942, to discuss with Indian leaders, the future Indian Constitution. His proposal was rejected by both the Congress and the League. The Congress characterized them as a post-dated cheque on a failing bank. Jinnah in his presidential address to the Allahabad session of the League, analyzed the Cripps proposals and expressed the disappointment that if these were accepted Muslims could become a minority in their majority provinces as well. DIVIDE AND QUIT 1942: The failure of the Cripps Mission, though unfortunate in many ways, resulted in strengthening of the Muslim League case of Pakistan. The Congress decided to launch its final assault on British imperialism in the movement that came to be known as the Quit India movement. Gandhi called upon the people to take initiative and to do or die in a last struggle for freedom, throwing of the initial pretences of non-violence. He did not consult the Muslim League or any other party and went ahead with his plans in the hope that the momentum of the mass movement would take violent forms and would involve all parties and sections of the people of India. To the Congress slogan of Quit India, the Quaids answer was Divide and Quit which meant Muslims do not only want freedom from British but also from Hindu Raj. JINNAH-GANDHI TALK 1944: The two leaders also differed with regard to the boundaries of Pakistan and how the issue of whether India should be divided at all, was to be determined. Gandhi was adamant on the question of partition and although he appeared to be conceding the possibility of partition he did everything he could to persuade the Quaid to give up his demand of the establishment of two sovereign states. The British had been watching with anxiety the progress of the Jinnah-Gandhi talks and were making plans to meet the situation if the Congress and the League arrived at an agreement. The failure of these talks spurred the Viceroy to make renewed efforts to break the political deadlock in India. Though the Gandhi-Jinnah negotiations failed to achieve the avowed goal of the Hindu-Muslim unity, they brought to Jinnah and the Muslim League two important political gains. Firstly, the leadership of the Congress had now offered to discuss the questions of Pakistan seriously before that, the Congress and Mahatma had kept the door to that subject uncompromisingly shut. Secondly, the Congress could no longer justifiably claim that it stood for all the communities in India including the Muslims. Louis Feisher wrote: The wall between Jinnah and Gandhi was the Two Nation Theory. QUAID E AZAM AND TWO NATION THEORY: Quaid -e-Azam was a firm advocate of two nation theory which becomes the ideological basis Pakistan. He considered the Muslim as a separate nation. He said: Pakistan was created the day the first Indian nation entered the field of Islam He explained the two nation theory as: The Muslims are the nation by every right to establish their separate homeland. They can adopt any means to promote and protect their economic social political and cultural interests SIMLA CONFERENCE 1945: As per the provisions of the Wavell Plan, the Executive Council would be reorganized and Hindus and Muslims would equally represent in the Viceroys Executive Council and the Council would work as Interim Government till the end of war. Lord Wavell called a conference at Simla in June 1945 to give a practical shape to this plan. The Quaid-e-Azam insisted that the right to appoint five Muslim members in the Executive Council should entirely rest with the Muslim League. That was not acceptable to the Congress as the Congress claimed to represent both the Hindus and Muslims. The conference failed to achieve any purpose due to one-sided attitude of Lord Wavell. In this conference, Quaid-e-Azam made it crystal clear that only the Muslim League can represent Muslims of India. ELECTIONS: Elections for the central and provincial assemblies were held in 1945-46. Muslim League managed to win all the 30 seats reserved for the Muslims in central legislative and 427 seats out of 495 Muslim seats in the provincial legislative. Election results were enough to prove that Muslim League, under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam, was the sole representative of the Muslims of the region. Quaid-e-Azam said on this occasion I have no doubt now in the achievement of Pakistan. The Muslims of India told the world what they want. No power of world can topple the opinion of 10 crore Muslims of India. DELHI CONVENTION 1946: On 19th April 1946, soon after the elections, Jinnah called a convention at Delhi of all the newly elected. League members in the central and the provincial legislatures. In this convention the word States of 1940à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ²s Lahore Resolution is transformed into the word State and the legislators signed pledges solemnly declaring their firm conviction that the safety, security, salvation and destiny of the Muslims lay only in the achievement of Pakistan. CABINET MISSION PLAN 1946: The most delicate as well as the most tortuous negotiations began with the arrival, in March 1946, of a three-member British Cabinet Mission. The crucial task with which the Cabinet Mission was entrusted was that of devising in consultation with the various political parties, constitution-making machinery, and of setting up a popular interim government. But, because the Congress-League gulf could not be bridged, despite the Missions prolonged efforts, the Mission had to make its own proposals in May 1946. The Muslim League accepted the plan on June 6, 1946. The Congress accepted the plan on June 25, 1946, though it rejected the interim setup. The Viceroy should now have invited the Muslim League to form Government as it had accepted the interim setup; but he did not do so because he did not want to make Congress angry. So in this situation Cabinet Mission went back to England on June 29 without deciding anything. DIRECT ACTION DAY 16TH AUGUST 1946: The Council of the All-India Muslim League met in Bombay and on July 27, 1946 it finally sealed its rejection of the Cabinet Mission Plan, and decided to launch its famous Direct Action for the achievement of Pakistan, which it could not achieve by peaceful means due to the intransigence of Congress on the one hand and the breach of faith with the Muslim by the British Government on the other. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said Never have we in the whole history of the League done anything except by constitutional methods. But now we are forced into this position. Today we bid good-bye to constitutional methods. Today we have forged a pistol and are in a position to use it. We mean every word of it. We do not believe in equivocation. Direct Action Day was celebrated on 16th August 1946. There was a strike in all over the country that they. Direct Action Day was observed peacefully throughout India, except in Calcutta, where riots broke out. PARTITION DAY 1947: By the close of 1946, the communal riots had flared up to murderous heights, engulfing almost the entire subcontinent. The two people, it seemed, were engaged in a fight to the finish. The time for a peaceful transfer of power was fast running out. Realizing the gravity of the situation, His Majestys Government sent down to India a new Viceroy Lord Mountbatten. His protracted negotiations with the various political leaders resulted in 3 June (1947) Plan by which the British decided to partition the subcontinent, and hand over power to two successor States on 15 August, 1947. The plan was duly accepted by the three Indian Parties to the dispute the Congress, the League and the Akali dal (representing the Sikhs). However Pakistan became constitionally independent at midnight between 14th and 15th August 1947. IDEOLOGY OF PAKISTAN: The Pakistan Resolution explains the ideology of Pakistan, establishment of homeland in the north-western and eastern zone of India where the Muslims should be free to lead their lives according to the tenets of Islam. This Resolution implied the independence of these two states from India but it did not imply independence of one another, for the subsequent league Resolution of April 1946 spoke of east and west Pakistan as one sovereign state. ALL INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUE: On march 26, 1939, it was announced that the working committee of the All-India Muslim league had set up a committee to examine the various constitutional proposals which had already been made regarding the future constitution of India. This committee was also to consider constitutions of other countries and was then to report its conclusions at an already date to the working committee. Several schemes had been put forward by Muslim leaders: some suggested two or three separate federations while other recommended an all-India federation of the regions comprising Muslim, Hindu, and other areas. CONTITUTIONAL ASSEMBLY: The constitutional assembly started functioning in January 1947. The Muslim league demanded its dissolution on the basis that the British Governments interpretation of the plan was not accepted by the Sikh and the Scheduled Castes and that the session and proceedings of the assembly were invalid. THE FIRST CABINET OF PAKISTAN: The first Cabinet of Pakistan was the creation of the Quaid-e-Azam. Liaqat Ali Khan was named by him as the prime minister, a position to which he was entitled by virtue of his position in the Muslim league party which had an over-whelming majority in the assembly. Since he owed the leadership of the legislature also to the Quaid-e-Azam, Liaqat had no say in the selection of his colleagues, whose name and the portfolios they were to hold, were simultaneously announced along with his own appointment. More than one minister subsequently made public declaration to the effect that he was a nominee of the Quaid-e-Azam. The Cabinet was broadly representative of the provinces as also of the refuges from India and minorities LEADER OF A FREE NATION: In recognition of his singular contribution, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was nominated by the Muslim League as the Governor-General of Pakistan, while the Congress appointed Mountbatten as Indias first Governor-General. Pakistan, it has been truly said, was born in virtual chaos. The problems which the Quaid-e-Azam had to face as Governor General of Pakistan were not only due to the happenings in East Punjab, and to provide shelter for the millions of refugees. What immensely increased the difficulties of the new state was the fact that it had yet to organize itself. CONCLUSION: After the tireless and undying efforts and struggles of our great Quaid and others leaders, finally Pakistan emerged on the map of the world as an independently existing nation. We live freely in our nation, as individuals of a distinctive identity and enjoy our social, political and economic interests regardless of the fears and traumas our fore fathers have faced. The peaceful sleep at night which we get now has undoubtedly emerged as a result of the great vision of Iqbal and the remarkable and tremendous leadership and guiding light of none other than the father of our nation; Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah; Quaid e Azam.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Youth Gangs and Violence In Schools Essays -- Youth Gangs Essays
The theme, which I have decided to research and base my portfolio on, is Youth Gangs and Violence In Schools. The term â€Å"Youth†is defined by the Compact Oxford English Dictionary as the period between childhood and adulthood and is also commonly used as a noun to describe young people. The same dictionary defines a â€Å"Gang†as an organised group of criminals or disorderly young people. Youth gangs are groups of young people who assemble and often engage in criminal and illegal activities such as graffiti, vandalism, theft, robbery and violent activities including, gang fights and brawls. The Compact Oxford English Dictionary defines â€Å" violence†as behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage or kill. Violent acts committed by gang members are often done with the intention of causing physical and or psychological trauma/ injury to persons. These acts include bullying, threatening, inflicting physical injury or applying any physical force, which hurts a person, the throwing of objects and missiles at or towards persons, destruction of a victim’s property or any type of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. ====================================================================== Nowadays, there is a small minority of students attending elementary and more so secondary schools who are forming gangs. The growth of gang culture has not only occurred in places like the United States of America and Great Britain, but also in smaller lesser-developed countries in the Caribbean. ====================================================================== Sad to say, Gang Violence in my very own school is on the rise. As re... ... In conclusion, neither the level nor incidence of school violence and gang culture has yet gripped the Caribbean as it has elsewhere. However, the youths here are influenced by the cross fertilization of contemporary social behaviour as depicted in songs, music videos (MTV; BET; VH1) films and literature. American culture is dominant and is very influential on Caribbean society. The two pieces are good starting points. They are informative, well written and documented. The level and type of violence, which is emerging here has American influence and thus the studies are relevant, though not in all respects. Our socio-economic and demographic factors are quite different. Both studies are well written, clear and easy to follow and can undoubtedly assist the reader, as it did me, in my research on this topic.
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